Africam was founded in 1999 with the key objective of connecting wildlife enthusiasts with live sightings in the African bush. With the internet in its infancy and major bandwidth constraints, the team was quite limited and provided static snapshots that were taken every 30 seconds. At the time, it was a major achievement to beam these snapshots around the world and Africam was fortunate to be supported by a community that was passionate about Africa and connecting with wildlife.
Fast forward to today. The technology landscape has changed dramatically and Africam is now able to install high tech cameras in the most remote locations. Through the use of our technology partners, we beam high definition video in real-time to the device of your choice. Whilst the environment and the personnel, as well as the ownership of Africam, has changed, our focus remains the same.’s primary purpose is to showcase Africa’s wildlife live and generate conservation awareness amongst our community to as wide an audience as possible. Currently, Africam's viewers originate from 200 countries and they have decided to provide access to this platform for free so that they don’t exclude anyone. To fund the free service, they do feature advertising throughout the website.